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Project titleProgramme / FundMain subjectSupplementary subjectMain type of activitySupplementary type of activityAwarding body / main funding bodyContractor / Main beneficiaryStartEndProject websiteLinkRelevant οutputs
1Elaboration of the Greek raised-relief mapEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)EnvironmentResearch and monitoringGeneral Secretariat of Research and TechnologyThe Goulandris Natural History Museum- National Technical University of Athens19901993
2Educational seminar on environmental management and protection – IEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)EnvironmentAwareness and educationRegion of AtticaThe Goulandris Natural History Museum12/199003/1991
3Educational seminar on environmental management and protection – IIEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)EnvironmentAwareness and educationRegion of AtticaThe Goulandris Natural History Museum09/199112/1991
4Ecological – physical planning study of the characteristic ecosystems of the mountainous areas of North PindosEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)ForestsConservation and managementResearch and monitoringMinistry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Public WorksThe Goulandris Natural History Museum19911993
5Establishment and first οperation of the Greek Biotope Wetland Centre and Pelican Biotope Management LIFE93 NAT/GR/012300EU LIFE ProgrammeBiodiversityWetlandsConservation and managementResearch and monitoringEuropean CommissionThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY09/199112/1995https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/life/publicWebsite/project/details/166
6Pubication on Greek Wetlands (Gr, En)Private fundingWetlandsAwareness and educationCommercial Bank of GreeceThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY10/1/19943/14/1997
7Inventory, identification, evaluation & mapping of the habitat types & flora & fauna species in Greece (Dir.92/43/EEC) LIFE94 NAT/GR/001201EU LIFE ProgrammeBiodiversityProtected areasResearch and monitoringEuropean CommissionThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY6/1/19943/31/1996https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/life/publicWebsite/project/details/108
8European Year for Nature ConservationEU funding other than LIFE, R&I, ESIFEnvironmentAwareness and educationMinistry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Public WorksThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY10/10/199512/31/1995
9Conservation and management of sites of Community Importance in Greece (Dir. 92/43/EEC) LIFE95 NAT/GR/001140EU LIFE ProgrammeProtected areasBiodiversityConservation and managementAwareness and educationEuropean CommissionThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY1/1/199612/31/1996https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/life/publicWebsite/project/details/380
10Conservation action for the slender billed curlew LIFE95 NAT/GR/001111EU LIFE ProgrammeBiodiversityConservation and managementEuropean CommissionMinistry of Agriculture, The Goulandris Natural History Museum –EKBY as sub-contractor1/1/199612/31/1998https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/life/publicWebsite/project/details/38
11Raising Public Awareness & Information with regard to lakes Koronia & Volvi (Macedonia, GR)Other funding sources from abroadProtected areasWetlandsAwareness and educationWWF ItalyThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY9/23/199412/31/1995
12Coordinated action in favor of Mediterranean Wetlands I Other funding sources from abroadWetlandsAwareness and educationTour du Valat FranceThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY19931993
13Coordinated action in favor of Mediterranean Wetlands IΙ Other funding sources from abroadWetlandsAwareness and educationTour du Valat FranceThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY19941994
14Coordinated action in favor of Mediterranean Wetlands IΙΙ Other funding sources from abroadWetlandsAwareness and educationTour du Valat FranceThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY19951995
15Test of Wetland mapping techniques in Greece (Pilot Study)Other funding sources from abroadWetlandsResearch and monitoringIWRB UKThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY7/20/199412/31/1995
16Test of Medwet methodology for planning monitoring programmes in Mediterranean Wetlands Other funding sources from abroadWetlandsResearch and monitoringIWRB UKThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY6/29/19959/30/1995
17Modelling the Hydrology of Wetlands (Karla)Other funding sources from abroadWaterWetlandsResearch and monitoringJoint Research CentreThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY4/25/19942/24/1995
18Modelling the Hydrology of Wetlands (Karla) (cont.)Other funding sources from abroadWaterWetlandsResearch and monitoringJoint Research CentreThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY7/1/19953/1/1996
19Support to the first plase of operation of the Greek Biotope/Wetland Centre (EKBY) (Block of activities I)Greek State resourcesBiodiversityWetlandsConservation and managementAwareness and educationMinistry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Public WorksThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY1/1/199112/21/1995
20Support to the first plase of operation of the Greek Biotope/Wetland Centre (EKBY) (Block of activities II)Greek State resourcesBiodiversityWetlandsConservation and managementAwareness and educationMinistry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Public WorksThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY1/1/199112/21/1995
21Consultants in the Special Spatial-Ecological-Management Study of the the Estuary of Pineios RiverGreek State resourcesProtected areasConservation and managementState Real Estate CompanyThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY11/11/199212/31/1994
22 Treatment of Municipal Wastewater using Natural Systems and Reclamation and Reuse for Irrigation PurposesEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)WetlandsResearch and monitoringGeneral Secretariat of Research and TechnologyNAGREF, The Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY 1/1/199510/31/1997
23Cooperation with the European Thematic Center for Biodiversity: Biogeographical approach for the Eastern Mediterranean regionEU funding other than LIFE, R&I, ESIFBiodiversityResearch and monitoringMuseum National d’Histoire Naturelle, FranceThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY2/1/199512/31/1995
24Cooperation with the European Thematic Center for Biodiversity: Pilot study in the Eastern Mediterranean region (phase I)EU funding other than LIFE, R&I, ESIFBiodiversityResearch and monitoringMuseum National d’Histoire Naturelle, FranceThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY2/1/199512/31/1995
25Cooperation with the European Thematic Center for Biodiversity: Pilot study in the Eastern Mediterranean region (phase II)EU funding other than LIFE, R&I, ESIFBiodiversityResearch and monitoringMuseum National d’Histoire Naturelle, FranceThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY1/1/19965/31/1996
26Use and development of infrastructure in protected areasGreek State resourcesProtected areasAwareness and educationHellenic Agency for Local Development and Local Government (E.E.T.A.A.) S.AThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY6/9/19959/9/1995
27Soil Study of Drana Lagoon (Prefecture of Evros)Private fundingWetlandsProtected areasConservation and managementWWF HellasThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY9/8/199511/15/1995
28Information & raising awareness of the representatives of the local authorities & of the NGO’s to promote the European Environmental PolicyEU funding other than LIFE, R&I, ESIFEnvironmentAwareness and educationEuropean CommissionThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY12/31/1996
29Greek action for systems of multimedia and applications: Production of a CD-ROM for the Goulandris Natural History MuseumEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)EnvironmentAwareness and educationFoundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (FORTH)The Goulandris Natural History Museum7/1/19926/1/1994
30Consultant (Development Agreement) on the protection of biotopes: Design and purchase of equipment for environmental information/interpretation in important natural areas of GreeceEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)Protected areasTourism and nature interpretationMinistry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Public WorksThe Goulandris Natural History Museum10/1/199212/1/1994
31Establishment of the Hellenic ORNIS DATABANKEU funding other than LIFE, R&I, ESIFBiodiversityResearch and monitoringEuropean CommissionThe Goulandris Natural History Museum1/1/199310/1/1993
32ORNIS DATABANKEU funding other than LIFE, R&I, ESIFBiodiversityResearch and monitoringEuropean CommissionThe Goulandris Natural History Museum11/15/199310/31/1994
33Information & Environmental Awareness Office in Greece – 1994EU funding other than LIFE, R&I, ESIFEnvironmentAwareness and educationEuropean CommissionThe Goulandris Natural History Museum1/1/199412/31/1994
34Information & Environmental Awareness Office in Greece – 1995EU funding other than LIFE, R&I, ESIFEnvironmentAwareness and educationEuropean CommissionThe Goulandris Natural History Museum1/1/199512/31/1995
35Information & Environmental Awareness Office in Greece – 1996EU funding other than LIFE, R&I, ESIFEnvironmentAwareness and educationEuropean CommissionThe Goulandris Natural History Museum1/1/199612/31/1996
36Information & Environmental Awareness Office in Greece – 1997EU funding other than LIFE, R&I, ESIFEnvironmentAwareness and educationEuropean CommissionThe Goulandris Natural History Museum1/1/199712/31/1997
37Creation of the GAIA Information and Environmental Education CentreEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)EnvironmentAwareness and educationMinistry of National Economy, Ministry of Culture and European Commission (Cohesion Fund)The Goulandris Natural History Museum1/1/199512/31/1999
38Support to the activities of GNHM/EKBY involving support to the Ministry of Environment in covering Greece’s national, EU and international obligations for the protection of natureGreek State resourcesBiodiversityProtected areasConservation and managementResearch and monitoringMinistry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Public WorksThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY1/1/199512/31/1996
39Specifications for the development of ecological and rural tourism in the area of LagkadaGreek State resourcesEnvironmentConservation and managementDevelopment Company of ThessalonikiThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY1/2/1996
40Community and Greek Environmental LegislationEU funding other than LIFE, R&I, ESIFEnvironmentConservation and managementEuropean CommissionThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY11/20/199611/30/1997
41Publication in Greek of the results of the project for the implementation of Directive 92/43/EEC in GreeceGreek State resourcesBiodiversityAwareness and educationMinistry of AgricultureThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY1/1/199712/1/1997
42Strengthening collaboration with the University of Florida Wetlands CenterOther funding sources from abroadWetlandsAwareness and educationAmerican EmbassyThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY9/1/19978/30/1998
43Inventory of protected areas at regional, national and international levelGreek State resourcesProtected areasAwareness and educationMinistry of AgricultureThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY5/24/1996
44MedWet 1: Combined pilot application of MedWet methods on inventrorying, mapping and monitoring wetlands, public awareness and training – Test Site Lake KerkiniEU funding other than LIFE, R&I, ESIFWetlandsProtected areasConservation and managementWWF ItalyThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY10/1/19956/30/1996
45MedWet 2: Participation of Greece in the MedWet – Life programme for the conservation of wetlands (LIFE94 TCY/INT/0988)Greek State resourcesWetlandsAwareness and educationConservation and managementMinistry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public WorksThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY7/1/19962/28/1998https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/life/publicWebsite/project/details/1511
46Protection of the Milos viperEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)BiodiversityProtected areasResearch and monitoringMinistry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Public WorksMunicipality of Milos11/25/199610/31/1998
47System for Hydrology using land observation for model Calibration (SHYLOC)EU Funding Programmes for Research and Innovation (R&I)WaterWetlandsResearch and monitoringResearch and monitoringJoint Research CentreAristotle University of Thessaloniki11/1/199710/31/2000
48Concerted actions for the management of the Strymonikos coastal zone LIFE96 ENV/GR/000564EU LIFE ProgrammeBiodiversityProtected areasConservation and managementResearch and monitoringEuropean CommissionNAGREEF, The Goulandris Natural History Museum – EKBY as partner1/1/19971/30/2000https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/life/publicWebsite/project/details/644
49Cooperation agreement between the Ministry for the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works and GNHM/EKBY 1997-1998: Actions to fulfill Greece’s national & international obligations for the protection of natureGreek State resourcesBiodiversityProtected areasResearch and monitoringConservation and managementMinistry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Public WorksThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY1/1/199712/31/1998
50Greek paticipation to the MedWet Committee of the Ramsar Convention and Support of the MedWet Coordination UnitGreek State resourcesWetlandsConservation and managementMinistry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Public WorksThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY1/1/199712/31/1998
51Consultant to Egnatia Odos S.A.: Ecological study as a contribution to the EIA of Egnatia Odos on the Nestos River areaPrivate fundingBiodiversityConservation and managementResearch and monitoringEgnatia Odos SAThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY1/8/19973/8/1997
52Assessment of restoration of functions of the Mavrouda wetland European structural and investment funds (ESIF)WetlandsConservation and managementDevelopment Company of ThessalonikiThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY2/17/19975/17/1997
53Implementation of local environmental policy in the residential development LIFE97 ENV/GR/000382EU LIFE ProgrammeEnvironmentConservation and managementEuropean CommissionMunicipality of Evosmos, The Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY as partner7/15/19977/15/1999https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/life/publicWebsite/project/details/1452
54Creation of environmental education material on Enipeas in OlympousEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)EnvironmentAwareness and educationLitochoro Development CompanyThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY5/25/19981/25/1999
55Co-production with the Prefecture of Thessaloniki of a movie on the area of Strymonikos GulfGreek State resourcesEnvironmentAwareness and educationPrefectural Administration of ThessalonikiThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY7/1/19984/30/2000
56Supporting the management of the natural environment of Mount AthosGreek State resourcesEnvironmentConservation and managementMinistry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Public WorksThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY12/4/199811/30/1999
57Update and enrichment of the national database for the Greek WetlandsEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)WetlandsResearch and monitoringGeneral Secretariat of Research and TechnologyAristotle University of Thessaloniki11/10/199811/20/2000
58Establishment of an Experts’ Committee for the evaluation of actions concerning the protection of Greek Ramsar wetlands & examination of the possibility to exempt them from the Montreux listGreek State resourcesWetlandsConservation and managementMinistry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Public WorksThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY7/1/19986/1/1999
59Cooperation agreement between the Ministry of Environment and GNHM/EKBY 1999-2003: Updating information on protected areas.Updating the national database on SPAs and pSCIs. Preparation of Natura 2000 Standard Data Forms and maps. Other actions to fulfil Grece’s national and international obligations for nature conservation.Greek State resourcesBiodiversityProtected areasResearch and monitoringConservation and managementMinistry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Public WorksThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY1/1/19997/31/2003
60Greek paticipation to the MedWet Committee and to the MedWet teamGreek State resourcesWetlandsConservation and managementMinistry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Public WorksThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY1/1/19996/30/2002
61Expert services on the restoration of the functions of Lake KarlaGreek State resourcesWetlandsConservation and managementMinistry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Public WorksThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY1/25/19992/25/1999
62Monitoring and development of organic farmingGreek State resourcesEnvironmentResearch and monitoringMinistry of AgricultureNAGREF, The Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY2/1/19992/29/2000
63Contribution to the activities of the European Topic Centre on Nature Conservation (ETC/NC) – 1998EU funding other than LIFE, R&I, ESIFBiodiversityResearch and monitoringEuropean Topic Center On Nature Conservation (ETC/NC)The Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY01/03/199830/11/1998
64Concerted actions for the management of the coastal zone of Strymonikos Gulf: Construction of a 3d model for the Asprovalta Information CenterPrivate fundingEnvironmentAwareness and educationEgnatia Odos SAThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY5/20/1998
65Contribution to the activities of the European Topic Centre on Nature Conservation (ETC/NC) – 1999EU funding other than LIFE, R&I, ESIFBiodiversityResearch and monitoringEuropean Topic Center On Nature Conservation (ETC/NC)The Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY01/03/199930/11/1999
66Design and production of environmental educatiion materialEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)EnvironmentAwareness and educationNational Youth FoundationAristotle University of Thessaloniki9/1/199911/30/2000
67Natural Systems for Wastewater Treatment and Reuse (WASTREAT) European structural and investment funds (ESIF)WetlandsResearch and monitoringEuropean CommissionCyclades Prefectural Government9/1/19998/31/2002
68 Conservation measures for the Palm Forest of Vai, Greece Reference: LIFE98 NAT/GR/005264 | Acronym: Vai EU LIFE ProgrammeBiodiversityForestsConservation and managementTourism and nature interpretationEuropean CommissionThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY1/1/199912/31/2002https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/life/publicWebsite/project/details/280https://ekby.gr/en/our-actions/conservation-management/life-vai/
69Organisation of a conference on “Agriculture and Environment”Greek State resourcesEnvironmentConservation and managementMinistry of AgricultureThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY12/1/19993/1/2000
70Identification and description of habitat types in areas of interest for the conservation of nature European structural and investment funds (ESIF)BiodiversityResearch and monitoringMinistry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Public WorksD. Georgopoulos EPEM S.A.2/23/199912/22/2001
71Publication of a leaflet for the promotion of the delta & straits of AcherontasEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)Protected areasAwareness and educationAmvrakikos Development CompanyThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY11/1/199910/30/2000
72Preparation of exhibits and information material for the visitors’ centre for the riverine forest of NestosEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)Protected areasForestsTourism and nature interpretationKavala Forest ServiceThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY10/11/199912/31/1999
73Transposition of EC Directive 92/43/EEC on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna & flora in GreeceEU funding other than LIFE, R&I, ESIFBiodiversityProtected areasConservation and managementEuropean CommissionCenter for International & European Law12/21/19994/21/2000
74Srudy of Chimaditida-Zazari wetland and formulation of proposals for the protection and restoration of the ecosystem’s functionsEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)WetlandsBiodiversityResearch and monitoringConservation and managementFlorina Prefectural GovernmentAristotle University of Thessaloniki1/1/200010/31/2000
75Design and enrichment with texts and audiovisual material of a CD-ROMPrivate fundingEnvironmentAwareness and educationSINGULAR SAThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY11/19/19995/31/2000
76Production of a movie on Greek wetlands Private fundingWetlandsAwareness and educationJOHNSON SAThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY
77Establishment of the Museum of piscatorial boats and tools European structural and investment funds (ESIF)EnvironmentTourism and nature interpretationMunicipality of MoudaniaThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY1/1/20011/31/2002
78Environmental marking of a footpath in a periurban forest Greek State resourcesEnvironmentForestsTourism and nature interpretationMunicipality of LitochoroThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY4/23/20019/23/2001
79Recording of projects and studies and formulation of proposals for the restoration of natural and agricultural ecosystems in the west coastal zone of ThessalonikiGreek State resourcesEnvironmentConservation and managementRegulatory and Environmental Protection Organization of ThessalonikiThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY5/10/200110/10/2001
80Spatial Indicators for European Nature Conservation (SPIN)EU Funding Programmes for Research and Innovation (R&I)BiodiversityProtected areasResearch and monitoringEuropean CommissionDeutsches Zentrumfuer Luft und Raumfahrt e. V3/1/20012/29/2004https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/EVG1-CT-2000-00019/en
81European Valuation and Assessment Tools Supporting Wetland Ecosystem Legislation (EVALUWET)EU Funding Programmes for Research and Innovation (R&I)WetlandsResearch and monitoringEuropean CommissionRoyal Holloway and Bedford New College3/1/20012/29/2004https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/EVK1-CT-2000-00070/en
82Integrated Management of European Wetlands (IMEW)EU Funding Programmes for Research and Innovation (R&I)WetlandsResearch and monitoringEuropean CommissionUniversity of Durham1/1/200112/31/2003https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/EVK2-CT-2000-00081/en
83Inventory of Albanian wetlandsGreek State resourcesWetlandsResearch and monitoringMinistry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Public WorksThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY1/15/20016/30/2003
84Study and displays for the Museum of Lake DoiranEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)WetlandsProtected areasTourism and nature interpretationMunicipality of DoiraniThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY3/30/20016/30/2001
85Conservation of management of Cheimaditida and Zazari wetlands LIFE00 NAT/GR/007242EU LIFE ProgrammeBiodiversityProtected areasResearch and monitoringConservation and managementEuropean CommissionPrefectural Government of Florina, The Goulandris Natural History Museum –EKBY as partner7/1/200112/31/2007https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/life/publicWebsite/project/details/1673https://ekby.gr/en/our-actions/conservation-management/life-cheimaditida/
86Expert services for the restoration of Karla wetlandGreek State resourcesWetlandsConservation and managementPrefectural Administration of MagnesiaThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY12/31/19973/31/1998
87Proposal for the establishment of a Management Authority for Karla wetland Greek State resourcesWetlandsConservation and managementPrefectural Administration of MagnesiaThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY12/31/19973/31/1998
88Proposal in regard to the legal framework regulating the operation of the Management Authority of the Karla wetland Greek State resourcesWetlandsConservation and managementPrefectural Administration of MagnesiaThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY12/31/19973/31/1998
89Preliminary technical and financial study for the establishment of an “Ecomuseum” in the previewed area of the Motorists’ Service Station in Grevena (part 4.1.5-4.1.6 of Egnatia Motorway)Private fundingEnvironmentTourism and nature interpretationEgnatia Odos SAThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY1/9/20029/7/2002
90Technical studies for the creation of the “Ecomuseum” on the Egnatia MotorwayPrivate fundingEnvironmentTourism and nature interpretationEgnatia Odos SAThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY11/4/20035/14/2007
91Cartography of the 264 NATURA 2000 sites included in the Greek national listEU funding other than LIFE, R&I, ESIFProtected areasResearch and monitoringEuropean CommissionThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY12/11/19973/31/1998
92Ecotourism and nature protection on islands. The international experience. Identification of good practices of development of ecotourism on Cyclades islandsGreek State resourcesEnvironmentTourism and nature interpretationCyclades Development CompanyThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY3/8/20024/8/2002
93Strategic Action Plan for the Conservation of Biodiversity in the Mediterranean Region – SAP BIOOther funding sources from abroadBiodiversityProtected areasConservation and managementRAC-SPAThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY10/1/20016/1/2002
94Program of actions of the Ministry of the Environment and GNHM/EKBY in 2001 – 2002 for the operation of MedWet Coordination Unit and participation in the Mediterranean Wetlands Committee of the Ramsar ConventionGreek State resourcesWetlandsConservation and managementMinistry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Public WorksThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY11/1/200112/31/2002
95Development of an open system for the development and authentification of professional qualifications in the area of nature conservationEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)EnvironmentConservation and managementMinistry of Labor and Social Insurance Partnership for the development of an open system for the acquisition and certification of professional qualifications in the environment sector6/4/200212/10/2010
96Recording of characteristics of Drana Lagoon, as part of project LIFE00 NAT/GR/007198 EU LIFE ProgrammeWetlandsProtected areasResearch and monitoringOIKOS LTDThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY5/2/20028/2/2002
97Restoration – Conservation of Kalochori LagoonGreek State resourcesWetlandsProtected areasConservation and managementDevelopment Company of ThessalonikiThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY8/1/200212/31/2002https://ekby.gr/en/our-actions/conservation-management/restoration-plan-for-the-kalochori-lagoon/
98Studies on the degradation of pesticides and antibiotics using natural wetlandsOther funding sources from abroadWetlandsResearch and monitoringThermo-electron corporation20012004
99Information, monitoring and sustainable development actions in Natura 2000 areas of the Strymonas river basinGreek State resourcesBiodiversityProtected areasResearch and monitoringConservation and managementMinistry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Public WorksThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY2/27/20032/27/2004
100Sdpecifications of management plans for protected areasGreek State resourcesProtected areasBiodiversityConservation and managementMinistry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Public WorksThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY1/28/20038/31/2004
101Sustainable OlympusGreek State resourcesProtected areasForestsAwareness and educationMinistry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Public WorksMunicipality of Litochoro20032004
102Publication of a leaflet on lake Doiran and the forest of MouriesGreek State resourcesProtected areasWetlandsAwareness and educationMinistry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Public WorksMunicipality of Doirani20032004
103Actions for the protection and the management of the palm forest in VaiGreek State resourcesBiodiversityForestsResearch and monitoringConservation and managementMinistry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Public WorksMunicipality of Itano5/2/200311/2/2003
104Participation in MedWet 2003-2004Own fundingWetlandsConservation and managementInternal workThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY4/1/200312/31/2004
105European Network for Biodiversity Information (ENBI)EU Funding Programmes for Research and Innovation (R&I)BiodiversityConservation and managementResearch and monitoringEuropean CommissionUniversiteit van Amsterdam1/1/200312/31/2005
106Greek-turkish cooperation for the support of the protection and management of wetland resources (Directive 2000/60 EC)Greek State resourcesWaterBiodiversityResearch and monitoringConservation and managementMinistry of Foreign AffairsThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY11/1/200312/31/2006
107Evaluation of the wetland functions and values of the transnational lake DoiranGreek State resourcesWetlandsProtected areasResearch and monitoringConservation and managementMinistry of Foreign AffairsThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY6/1/200310/31/2005
108Planning of a Geographical Information System for the Lignitic Centre of West Makedonia of the Public Power Corporation SAPrivate fundingEnvironmentResearch and monitoringPUBLIC POWER CORPORATION SAThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY5/6/200311/6/2003
109Ecosystems Based Water Resources Management to Minimize Environmental Impacts from Agriculture Using State of the Art Modelling Tools in Strymonas Basin (STRYMON) LIFE03 ENV/GR/000217EU LIFE ProgrammeWaterConservation and managementEuropean CommissionThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY9/1/20038/31/2007https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/life/publicWebsite/project/details/2098
110Development of water resources’ management systems and tools for the water districts of Macedonia and ThraceEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)WaterConservation and managementMinistry of DevelopmentENM LTD, The Goulandris Natural History Museum – EKBY, DHI WATER & ENVIRONMENT12/19/200311/26/2008
111Protection and management of the wetland and the coastal wetland of Psalidi in KosGreek State resourcesWetlandsProtected areasTourism and nature interpretationMinistry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Public WorksMunicipal Enterprise of Social Support Kos6/2/200312/2/2003
112Completion of the Museum of Doiran LakeGreek State resourcesWetlandsProtected areasTourism and nature interpretationMunicipality of DoiraniThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY3/13/20038/13/2003
113Identification of technical works required for the restoration of Drana Lagoon EU LIFE ProgrammeWetlandsProtected areasConservation and managementOIKOS LTDThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY1/15/20032/15/2003
114Integrated Project to Evaluate the Impacts of Global Change on European Freshwater Ecosystems (EUROLIMPACS)EU Funding Programmes for Research and Innovation (R&I)WaterWetlandsResearch and monitoringResearch and monitoringEuropean CommissionUCL2/1/20041/31/2009https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/505540
115Building and enhacement of insitutions for environmental cooperation and sustainable development between Greece and SerbiaGreek State resourcesEnvironmentConservation and managementMinistry of Foreign AffairsLaw and Nature3/30/20043/30/2005
116Setting the methodology and preparing guidelines for the evaluation of eligible sites for designation as Special Protection Areas for avifauna and pilot implementation in 10 sitesEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)Protected areasBiodiversityConservation and managementMinistry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Public WorksThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY1/27/20041/27/2005
117Creation of dispays for information kiosks on Mountain Mainalo (contract awared as part of project Conservation and management of Mountain Mainalo LIFE99 NAT/GR/006481)EU LIFE ProgrammeProtected areasBiodiversityTourism and nature interpretationΑρκαδία Α.Ε.The Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY4/16/20045/26/2004
118Capacity Building on Conservation of Albanian Wetland Ecosystems (ALWET) LIFE03 TCY/AL/000004EU LIFE ProgrammeWetlandsAwareness and educationEuropean CommissionECAT Tirana , The Goulandris Natural History Museum –EKBY as partner1/1/200412/31/2006https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/life/publicWebsite/project/details/2250
119Getting to know and protecting LoudiasGreek State resourcesEnvironmentWetlandsAwareness and educationMinistry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Public WorksMunicipal Enterprise of Development of Giannitsa3/17/20048/17/2004
120Rehabilitation of coppice Quercus frainetto woods and Quercus ilex woods to high forest LIFE03 NAT/GR/000093EU LIFE ProgrammeBiodiversityForestsResearch and monitoringConservation and managementEuropean CommissionHoly Community of Mount Athos, The Goulandris Natural History Museum –EKBY as partner10/1/200310/1/2006https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/life/publicWebsite/project/details/2234
121Planning, organisation, monitoring and pilot implementation of the ecotouristic programmesEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)EnvironmentTourism and nature interpretationMinistry of Development – General Secretariat of TourismThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY8/5/20034/5/2005
122 Study to determine the basic features and to document the content of exhibits for the Natural History Museum “Aggeliki Papazoglou” Private fundingEnvironmentTourism and nature interpretationPETROCHELIDONA Association of VitsaThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY10/27/200312/27/2003
123Architectural study for the Natural History Museum “Aggeliki Papazoglou” list of next stage works and Study of Documentation Private fundingEnvironmentTourism and nature interpretationPETROCHELIDONA Association of VitsaThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY10/27/200312/27/2003
124Museological Study for the Natural History Museum of VitsaPrivate fundingEnvironmentTourism and nature interpretationPETROCHELIDONA Association of VitsaThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY9/22/200412/22/2004
125Interpretaion study for the Natural History Museum of VitsaPrivate fundingEnvironmentTourism and nature interpretationPETROCHELIDONA Association of VitsaThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY9/22/200412/22/2004
126Porposal of experts for the definition of target groups, goals functions of the Marine Museum of MoudrosGreek State resourcesEnvironmentTourism and nature interpretationMunicipality of MoudrosThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY3/8/20048/8/2004
127Organisation of the Information Centre of Avdira in Xanthi and its surrounding areaGreek State resourcesEnvironmentTourism and nature interpretationLocal Association of Municipalities and Communities of the Prefecture of XanthiThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY11/3/200312/10/2003
128Conservation Management in Natura 2000 sites of Cyprus LIFE04 NAT/CY/000013EU LIFE ProgrammeProtected areasBiodiversityConservation and managementEuropean CommissionEnvironment Service of the Ministry of Agriculture of Cyprus, The Goulandris Natural History Museum –EKBY as partner11/1/200410/31/2008https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/life/publicWebsite/project/details/2324
129Hellenic – Bulgarian cooperation for the protection and management of Natural Resources. Applications to Strymonas River and Rodopi Mountain RangeGreek State resourcesWaterForestsConservation and managementMinistry of Foreign AffairsThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY12/1/200411/30/2006
130Transboundary cooperation on waters, according to the Water Framework Directive (Dir 2000/60/EC) Greek State resourcesWaterAwareness and educationMinistry of Foreign AffairsThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY11/15/200411/15/2006
131Identifying the Pan-European Ecological Network for South-Eastern EuropeOther funding sources from abroadProtected areasResearch and monitoringECNCThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY1/28/20053/31/2006
132Restoration and environmental interpretation of the Riparian Forest of Nestos DeltaEEA and Norway GrantsForestsProtected areasConservation and managementTourism and nature interpretationFinancial Mechanism EEA & Hellenic RepublicKavala Forest Service (Region of Eastern Macedonia & Thrace)1/1/200512/31/2009
133Biodiversity – Dissemination of the art of lifeEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)BiodiversityAwareness and educationGeneral Secretariat of Research and TechnologyThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY6/24/20058/31/2005
134Dissemination of scientific information and public awareness on natural environment and watersEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)WaterAwareness and educationGeneral Secretariat of Research and TechnologyThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY12/6/200512/31/2006
135Creation and installation of displays in information kiosksGreek State resourcesEnvironmentTourism and nature interpretationArcadia Prefectural GovernmentThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY1/2/20063/2/2006
136Study for the exhibition of the Information Centre of the National Park of Olympus.Greek State resourcesProtected areasForestsTourism and nature interpretationPieria Prefectural GovernmentThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY12/1/20053/31/2006
137Enrichment of the Natura 2000 databaseEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)BiodiversityProtected areasResearch and monitoringMinistry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Public WorksThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY10/6/20052/6/2006
138Feasibility study for the restoration of Lake Kallipefki of the Municipality of GonnoiEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)WetlandsConservation and managementManaging Authority – O.P. ThessalyThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY11/15/20056/15/2006
139Transboundary cooperation for the management of surface waters in the catchment area of River Aoos/VjosaGreek State resourcesWaterBiodiversityConservation and managementMinistry of Foreign AffairsThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY11/1/200510/31/2007
140MedWet Network of information and knowledge for the sustainable development of water ecosystems / MedWet-Reseau CODDEEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)WetlandsAwareness and educationINTERREG IIIC Southern Zone Managing AuthorityMedWet Unit1/1/20053/31/2008https://keep.eu/projects/1103/
141Cooperation Agreement between the Ministry of Environment and EKBY 2006 – 2008: Scientific and technical support in matters of the country’s obligations arising from Directive 92/43/EEC. Update of the data concerning the protected areas of Greece. Updating the Natura 2000 database. Drafting the second national report on the implementation of Directive 92/43/EEC. Documentation of the Special Environmental Study and draft Presidential Decree characterizing and delimiting the Natura 2000 site GR1420001 “Kato Olympos, Kallipefki” as protectedGreek State resourcesBiodiversityProtected areasResearch and monitoringConservation and managementMinistry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Public WorksThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY12/5/200512/31/2008
142Experts’ proposal on the content of the exhibits of the Marine Museum of Moudros and drafting of its building programme. Design and budget for the creation of the museum.Greek State resourcesEnvironmentTourism and nature interpretationMunicipality of MoudrosThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY3/8/20048/8/2004
143Organisation of exhibition entitled “Biodiversity of Greece” in the primary school of VitsaPrivate fundingBiodiversityAwareness and educationVitsa Brotherhood & Vitsa Youth Cultural AssociationThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY8/1/20048/31/2004
144Feasibility study for the Vitsa Natural History MuseumPrivate fundingEnvironmentTourism and nature interpretationPETROCHELIDONA Association of VitsaThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY8/1/200512/1/2005
145Design of Logo, organisation study and study for the exhibition lighting for the Vitsa Natural History MuseumPrivate fundingEnvironmentTourism and nature interpretationPETROCHELIDONA Association of VitsaThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY8/1/200512/1/2005
146Creation and installment of the exhibits in the fisheries hall of the underground exhibion area of the Museum of Lake DoiraniEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)WetlandsProtected areasTourism and nature interpretationMunicipality of DoiraniThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY9/1/20058/1/2006
147Transboundary cooperation and exchange of know – how for the use of educational technology in environmental educationEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)EnvironmentAwareness and educationGeneral Secretariat of Investments and DevelopmentThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY11/15/200510/31/2007
148Development of environmental interpretation infrastructure in Lake Doiran and local community capacity buildingGreek State resourcesWetlandsProtected areasTourism and nature interpretationMinistry of Foreign AffairsThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY10/1/20059/30/2007
149Technical Consultant to support the implementation of projects included in Measure 8.1 of Operational Program for the Environment, whose beneficiaries are management bodies of protected areasEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)Protected areasConservation and managementMinistry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Public WorksThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY1/17/200612/31/2007
150BIODIVERSITY IMPACT ASSESSMENT USING SPECIES SENSITIVITY SCORES – BioScoreEU Funding Programmes for Research and Innovation (R&I)BiodiversityResearch and monitoringEuropean CommissionECNC2/1/20061/31/2009
151Participation in the intercalibration exercise on ecological water quality criteria for Greek lakes included in the intercalibration registerEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)WaterResearch and monitoringHellenic Center for Marine ResearchThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY3/15/20067/15/2006
152Transfer of know-how for the promotion of common management planning according to the Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC) European structural and investment funds (ESIF)Protected areasAwareness and educationPrefectural Administration of Drama – Kavala – XanthiThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY5/12/200611/12/2007
153Preparation of Management Plans for the areas Lympia-Agia Anna and Mitsero, CyprusOther funding sources from abroadProtected areasBiodiversityConservation and managementRepublic of Cyprus, Environment Agency, Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and EnvironmentPartnership: The Goulandris Natural History Museum – EKBY & PRC Technical and Development Projects Consultants Ltd.8/28/20061/27/2008
154Joint approaches to planning the promotion of ecologically vulnerable areas in Rodopi Mountain Range: Plan to promote the areas of natural and aesthetic interest of the Western and Central Rodopi Maountai Range, on both sides of the borderEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)Protected areasTourism and nature interpretationPrefectural Administration of Drama – Kavala – XanthiThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY8/7/200611/7/2007
155Joint approaches to planning the promotion of ecologically vulnerable areas in Rodopi Mountain Range: Promotion and publicity actions – Production of print and audio-visual materialEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)Protected areasAwareness and educationPrefectural Administration of Drama – Kavala – XanthiThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY3/30/20071/31/2008
156Training on wetland inventory using modern technologyGreek State resourcesWetlandsAwareness and educationMinistry of Foreign AffairsThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY10/1/20063/10/2008
157Dissemination of scientific and technological information and awareness-raising on the natural environmentEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)EnvironmentAwareness and educationGeneral Secretariat of Research and TechnologyThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY6/20/200612/31/2006
158Monitoring raptors in the Tzena MountainEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)BiodiversityResearch and monitoringMunicipality of ExaplatanoThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY12/27/200612/27/2007
159Nature conservation practices in the Tzena MountainEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)BiodiversityConservation and managementMunicipality of ExaplatanoThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY12/27/20069/27/2007
160Promotion of the integrated management of transboundary waters according to Directive 2000/60/ECEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)WaterConservation and managementGeneral Secretariat of Investments and DevelopmentThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY11/1/200612/31/2008
161Implementation of measures for the protection and sustainable development of Dojran LakeGreek State resourcesWetlandsProtected areasConservation and managementMinistry of Foreign AffairsThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY2/1/20071/31/2009
162Research and mapping in areas of cultural and natural interest of rivers Aliakmon and Vafyras European structural and investment funds (ESIF)EnvironmentTourism and nature interpretationPieria Prefectural GovernmentThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY2/20/20074/19/2007
163Protection and sustainable development of the CarpathiansEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)EnvironmentTourism and nature interpretationPrefectural Administration of Drama – Kavala – XanthiThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY6/15/20079/14/2008
164Creation of educational material for protected areasEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)EnvironmentAwareness and educationMinistry of National Education and Religious AffairsThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY8/20/20076/30/2008
165Study of the preparation of a business plan for education in sustainable developmentEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)EnvironmentAwareness and educationMinistry of National Education and Religious AffairsThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY1/21/20085/21/2008
166Development of networks and monitoring quality of surface inland, transitional and coastal waters of the country – Assessment / classification of their ecological statusEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)WaterResearch and monitoringMinistry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Public WorksPartnership: Hellenic Centre for Marine Research & The Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY4/8/20087/7/2009
167Feasibility study for the restoration of former Lake XyniadaGreek State resourcesWetlandsConservation and managementPrefectural Administration of FthiotidaThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY3/24/20084/24/2009
168Rangelands study for the sustainable development of animal husbandry following the restoration of Lake Kallipefki, GreeceEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)WetlandsConservation and managementManaging Authority – O.P. ThessalyThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY5/20/200811/30/2008
169Ecotouristic development of Lake Kallipefki, GreeceEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)EnvironmentTourism and nature interpretationIntermediate Administrative Authority of the Region of ThessalyThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY7/14/200811/30/2008
170Preparation of Management Plan of the area Cha-Potami, CyprusOther funding sources from abroadBiodiversityConservation and managementRepublic of Cyprus, Environment Agency, Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and EnvironmentThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY7/14/200812/13/2009
171Creation of a visitor reception centre and of an exhibition at the Environment Museum in Vitsa of ZagoriGreek State resourcesEnvironmentTourism and nature interpretationMunicipality of Central ZagoriThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY7/18/200810/18/2008
172Studies for a Palaeontology Museum in Milia, Grevena (Greece)Greek State resourcesEnvironmentTourism and nature interpretationPrefectural Government of GrevenaThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY11/17/20085/17/2009
173Restoration of Pinus nigra forests on Mount Parnonas (GR2520006) through a structure approach (LIFE PINUS) LIFE07 NAT/GR/000286EU LIFE ProgrammeBiodiversityForestsResearch and monitoringConservation and managementEuropean CommissionThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY1/1/20096/30/2013http://www.parnonaslife.grhttps://ekby.gr/en/our-actions/conservation-management/life-pinus/
174Developing professional skills in sustainable tourism –Training of local actorsGreek State resourcesEnvironmentTourism and nature interpretationMinistry of Foreign AffairsThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY4/1/20099/30/2010
175Protection and Rehabilitation of water and forest resources of the Prefecture of RodopiEEA and Norway GrantsWaterForestsConservation and managementFinancial Mechanism EEA & Hellenic RepublicRegion of Eastern Macedonia & Thrace4/24/20094/30/2012
176Restoration of the forests on Mount Parnonas and conservation guidelines for Mount Taygetos in LakoniaEEA and Norway GrantsForestsBiodiversityConservation and managementFinancial Mechanism EEA & Hellenic RepublicRegion of Peloponnese4/30/20094/30/2012https://ekby.gr/en/our-actions/conservation-management/restoration-of-the-forests-on-mount-parnonas-and-conservation-guidelines-for-mount-taygetos-in-lakonia/
177Adaptation of forest management to climate change in Greece (ADAPTFOR) LIFE08 ENV/GR/000554EU LIFE ProgrammeForestsResearch and monitoringConservation and managementEuropean CommissionThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY1/1/201012/31/2014https://www.life-adaptfor.gr/https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/life/publicWebsite/project/details/2983
178Interpretation works in the Environmental Park of Nestos RiverPrivate fundingForestsTourism and nature interpretationOPAP S.A.The Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY11/19/20094/30/2011
179Collection and updating of data on wetlands in GreecePrivate fundingWetlandsResearch and monitoringGreek Petroleum S.A.The Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY7/5/201012/31/2012
180GLOBWETLAND II: Definition, design, validation and demonstration of a G-WOS pilot information system for the production of a number of wetland related geo-information maps and indicators.Other funding sources from abroadWetlandsResearch and monitoringEuropean Space AgencyJena-Optronik GmbH1/21/20102/29/2012
181Publication on the forests of GreecePrivate fundingForestsAwareness and educationGreek Fertilizers and Chemicals Industrial Trading CompanyThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY4/19/201012/31/2010
182Preparation of Management Plan for the area Limni Paralimniou, CyprusOther funding sources from abroadBiodiversityConservation and managementRepublic of Cyprus, Environment Agency, Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and EnvironmentThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY9/17/20109/16/2011
183Provision of services of an independent expert for the assessment of the environmental impacts from the demolition of the private dam at Ha-PotamiOther funding sources from abroadBiodiversityConservation and managementRepublic of Cyprus, Environment Agency, Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and EnvironmentThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY9/27/201010/18/2010
184Development of a decision support system for water resources management at Asopos river basinPrivate fundingWaterConservation and managementPOSTBANKThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY9/3/201012/31/2012
185Multi-scale Service for Monitoring NATURA 2000 Habitats of European Community Interest (MONINA)EU Funding Programmes for Research and Innovation (R&I)BiodiversityResearch and monitoringEuropean CommissionPARIS-LODRON-UNIVERSITAT SALZBURG12/1/201011/3/2013https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/263479/reporting/en
186Establishment of an Impact Assessment Procedure as a tool for the sustainability of agro-ecosystem: the case of Mediterranean olives (SAGE-10) LIFE09 ENV/GR/000302EU LIFE ProgrammeBiodiversityResearch and monitoringConservation and managementEuropean CommissionBenakeio Phytopathological Institute, The Goulandris Natural History Museum –EKBY as partner10/1/20106/30/2014http://www.sage10.gr/index.php/en/?lang=elhttps://webgate.ec.europa.eu/life/publicWebsite/project/details/3136
187Europe’s Living Heart phase IV: international expert on the use of remote sensing for identification and evaluation of habitats for applied ecologyOther funding sources from abroadEnvironmentResearch and monitoringWWF European Policy ProgrammeThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY1/1/20112/28/2011
188Services regarding the implementation of the provisions of Directive 92/43/EEC, for the conservation of natural habitats and wild fauna and flora, during the construction of the E65 motorwayPrivate fundingBiodiversityConservation and managementEgnatia Odos SAThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY6/16/20117/4/2011
189Design and organization of a cross-border monitoring system for Prespa Park Private fundingWaterResearch and monitoringPrespa Protection SocietyThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY5/25/20116/30/2011
190Scientific identification and mapping of the individual units of theMoustos lagoon and the other wetlands of the protected area of ​​Mount Parnon and the Moustos Wetland and its wider coastal zoneEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)WetlandsBiodiversityResearch and monitoringManagement Body of Mount Parnon and Moustos WetlandThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY11/18/20111/18/2013
191Valuation of the Greek Gene Bank (GGB)Private fundingBiodiversityResearch and monitoringAthens University of Economics and BusinessThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY2/1/20126/30/2013
192Towards and operational GMES Land Monitoring Core ServiceOther funding sources from abroadWetlandsResearch and monitoringEARSeLThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY9/30/2011
193Development of a website for the diffussion of information on nature and biodiversity of Greece European structural and investment funds (ESIF)BiodiversityAwareness and educationMinistry of Development, Competitiveness and ShippingThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY5/1/201212/31/2015http://www.biodiversity-info.gr/
194Monitoring of the ecological quality of Greek lake waters in application of Article 8 of Directive 2000/60/EUEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)WaterResearch and monitoringMinistry of Environment, Energy and Climate ChangeThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY1/1/201212/31/2015http://www.wfd.ekby.gr
195Provision of services for the monitoring of species of fauna in accordance with Directive 92/43/EEC for the preparation of the 2nd national 6-year report of CyprusOther funding sources from abroadBiodiversityResearch and monitoringRepublic of Cyprus, Environment Agency, Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and EnvironmentThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY12/21/20113/31/2013
196Organization and Enrichment of the Exhibition Content of the “Nikolaos K. Youtikas” Wetlands Information CenterEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)EnvironmentBiodiversityTourism and nature interpretationDelta Axios Management Body – Loudia – AliakmonaThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY7/16/20129/15/2012
197Organization and Enrichment of the Exhibition Space of the Forest Information Center Strofylia – Kotychi LagoonEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)EnvironmentBiodiversityTourism and nature interpretationWetland Management Body of Kotihi-StrofiliaThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY8/31/20121/31/2013
198Planning the upgrade of exhibitions in the Information Centres of Nestos – Vistonida – Ismarida Delta Management BodyEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)EnvironmentBiodiversityTourism and nature interpretationNestos – Vistonida – Ismarida Delta Management BodyThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY10/15/20121/10/2013
199Design of standard signage (orientation, information and environmental interpretation) for the Northern Pindos National ParkGreek State resourcesEnvironmentBiodiversityTourism and nature interpretationManagement Body of National Parks of Vikos-Aoos and PindosThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY9/11/201210/31/2012
200Design and production of a package of environmental awareness activities for students (for the Northern Pindos National Park European structural and investment funds (ESIF)EnvironmentBiodiversityAwareness and educationManagement Body of National Parks of Vikos-Aoos and PindosThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY9/19/20125/19/2013
201Promotion of Joint implementation of the Water Framework Directive (Directive 2000/60/EC) within the tranSbountary River Basin of Aoos/Vjosa (JointWaterS)European structural and investment funds (ESIF)WaterBiodiversityResearch and monitoringManaging Authority of the Objective “European Territorial Cooperation” Operational Programs of the Ministry of Economy, Competitiveness and Infrastructure, Transport & NetworksDecentralized Administration of Epirus/West Macedonia – Epirus Water Directorate12/3/20126/3/2014
202A structured network for integration of climate knowledge into policy and territorial planning (OrientGate)European structural and investment funds (ESIF)WetlandsResearch and monitoringConservation and managementJoint Technical SecretariatEuro-Mediterranean Center for Climate Change7/1/201212/31/2014https://keep.eu/projects/5955/A-structured-network-for-int-EN/
203Documentation and interpretation of elements of the natural and cultural environment of the path “The road of water” (Old Kavala – Kavala)European structural and investment funds (ESIF)EnvironmentΝεράTourism and nature interpretationMunicipality of KavalaThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY5/7/201312/15/2013
204Study of organization and enrichment of the exhibition areas of Information Centers at the Northern Pindos National ParkEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)EnvironmentForestsTourism and nature interpretationManagement Body of National Parks of Vikos-Aoos and PindosThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY7/8/20133/8/2014
205Restoration and Conservation of the Priority Habitat Type *9562 Grecian Juniper Woods in Prespa National Park, Greece (JunEx) LIFE12 NAT/GR/000539 EU LIFE ProgrammeBiodiversityForestsResearch and monitoringConservation and managementEuropean CommissionSociety for the Protection of Prespa, The Goulandris Natural History Museum –EKBY as partner7/1/201312/31/2017https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/life/publicWebsite/project/details/3890
206Creation and installation of an exhibition at the Water Saving Information Center “Water House”European structural and investment funds (ESIF)EnvironmentΝεράTourism and nature interpretationMunicipal Development Corporation of PatrasThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY10/18/20136/5/2014
207Creation of a mobile exhibition and environmental education material for the National Park of Eastern Macedonia and ThraceEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)EnvironmentBiodiversityTourism and nature interpretationManagement Body of Nestos – Vistonida – Ismarida Delta The Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY10/1/20132/28/2014
208Promotion of the project “The road of water” (Old Kavala – Kavala)European structural and investment funds (ESIF)EnvironmentΝεράTourism and nature interpretationMunicipality of KavalaThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY1/8/20146/7/2014
209Scientific documentation for the preparation of a priority action plan for areas of the Attica Region that have been designated: NATURA 2000 AreasGreek State resourcesProtected areasBiodiversityConservation and managementRegion of AtticaThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY2/21/201412/31/2014
210Horizontal technical and scientific coordination of monitoring and assessment studies on the conservation status of species and habitat types in Greece and evaluation of resultsEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)BiodiversityResearch and monitoringMinistry of Environment, Energy and Climate ChangePartnership: ENVECO S.A., OMICRON LTD, KAROLIDIS THEODOROS & FISELIAS SPYRIDON1/2/20143/2/2016
211Research on the assessment of ecological flows in the National Park of Axios – Loudias – AliakmonasEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)WaterBiodiversityResearch and monitoringManagement Body of Delta Axios – Loudia – AliakmonaThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY5/29/201410/28/2015
212Environmental awareness activities in the protected area of Koroneia Volvi and Macedonian Tempi European structural and investment funds (ESIF)EnvironmentBiodiversityAwareness and educationManagement Body of Lakes Koronia VolviThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY8/25/20142/24/2015
213Curation services – organization and creation of exhibits of the Visitor Information Center of the Olympus National Forest – Natural History MuseumEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)EnvironmentBiodiversityTourism and nature interpretationManagement Body of Olympus National Forest The Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY10/31/201411/30/2015
214Specialized services of data collection, application of hydraulic models, processing of application scenarios and supply of special equipmentEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)WaterResearch and monitoringDRAXIS TECHNOLOGIES ENVIRONMENT SAThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY8/29/201410/15/2015
215Creation and placement of exhibits at the “Nikolaos K. Youtikas” Wetlands Information CenterEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)EnvironmentBiodiversityTourism and nature interpretation Management Body of Delta Axios – Loudia – AliakmonaThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY4/7/201510/30/2015
216Upgrading the Information Center of the Koroneia Volvi management body European structural and investment funds (ESIF)EnvironmentBiodiversityTourism and nature interpretationManagement Body of Lakes Koronia VolviThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY4/8/201510/31/2015
217Verification of Wetland High Resolution Layer and of Permanent Water Body High Resolution Layer of 11 European countriesOther funding sources from abroadWetlandsResearch and monitoringINDRA Sistemas , SAThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY3/10/2015
218Satellite-based Wetland Observation Service (SWOS)EU Funding Programmes for Research and Innovation (R&I)WetlandsResearch and monitoringEuropean CommissionJENA-OPTRONIK GMBH6/1/20155/31/2018https://ekby.gr/en/our-actions/research-monitoring/satellite-based-wetland-observation-service-swos/https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/642088
219Building cooperation, developing skills and sharing knowledge for Natura 2000 forests in Greece – LIFE ForestLife LIFE14 GIE/GR/000304EU LIFE ProgrammeForestsAwareness and educationEuropean CommissionThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY7/16/20157/15/2021https://forestlife.gr/https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/life/publicWebsite/project/details/4294
220Improving the knowledge in determining the minimum water level and flow in water bodiesEEA and Norway GrantsWaterBiodiversityResearch and monitoringEEA-EFTA Financial Mechanism (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) & Hellenic Republic The Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY8/17/20154/30/2017
221Improving knowledge and increasing awareness for wetland restoration in Attica RegionEEA and Norway GrantsWetlandsResearch and monitoringAwareness and educationEEA-EFTA Financial Mechanism (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) & Hellenic Republic Region of Attica8/17/20154/30/2017
222Monitoring marine water quality of Thessaloniki inner gulf 2015-2016Greek State resourcesWaterResearch and monitoringMunicipality of ThessalonikiThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY12/18/201512/31/2016
223Operation of the national water monitoring network for lakes in Greece (Directive 2000/60/EC)European structural and investment funds (ESIF)WaterResearch and monitoringMinistry of Environment, Energy and Climate ChangeThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY1/1/201612/31/2023http://www.wfd.ekby.gr
224Provision of services for the preparation of the Strategy and Action Plan for the Integrated Coastal Area Management (ICMA) in Cyprus for the period 2018-2028European structural and investment funds (ESIF)BiodiversityConservation and managementRepublic of Cyprus, Department of Environment, Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and EnvironmentPartnership: ALA Planning Partnership Consultancy LLC & The Goulandris Natural History Museum – EKBY8/29/20168/28/2018
225Monitoring marine water quality of Thessaloniki inner gulf 2016-2017Greek State resourcesWaterResearch and monitoringMunicipality of ThessalonikiThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY12/28/201612/31/2017
226Consulting services on the development of a Priority Action Programme for Natura 2000 sites in CyprusOther funding sources from abroadBiodiversityConservation and managementRepublic of Cyprus, Department of Environment, Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and EnvironmentPartnership:ATLANTIS & The Goulandris Natural History Museum – EKBY31/10/201630/06/2017
227Improving the conservation effectiveness of wetlands (WetMainAreas)European structural and investment funds (ESIF)WetlandsResearch and monitoringMinistry of Economy, Development and TourismUniversity of Forestry, Sofia9/1/20178/31/2020
228Provision of Services for the Update of Standardized Data Forms, the completion of habitat monitoring protocols for 17 Special Conservation Areas (SACs) and two Proposed Sites of Community Importance (PSCs) of the Natura 2000 Network in CyprusOther funding sources from abroadBiodiversityResearch and monitoringRepublic of Cyprus, Department of Environment, Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and EnvironmentPartnership:ATLANTIS & The Goulandris Natural History Museum – EKBY10/9/201712/9/2017
229Environmental Education Program “The Museum goes to school” in the Region of Central GreeceGreek State resourcesEnvironmentAwareness and educationRegion of Central GreeceThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY10/25/20176/25/2018
230Documenting Streamlined European Biodiversity IndicatorsOther funding sources from abroadBiodiversityResearch and monitoringUniversity of Ioannina – Special Account for Research FundsThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY11/16/201711/30/2017
231Reinforcing protected areas capacity through an innovative methodology for sustainability (BIO2CARE)European structural and investment funds (ESIF)BiodiversityConservation and managementMinistry of Economy, Development and TourismDemocritus University of Thrace10/20/201710/19/2020https://bio2care.eu/el
232Elaboration of a Monitoring Plan for indicators of protected species of flora and fauna in the Reservoirs of the Thesauros and Platanovrysis Rivers”Private fundingBiodiversityResearch and monitoringPUBLIC POWER CORPORATION SAThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY5/10/20182/28/2019
233Actions to protect and promote the values of ecosystems of the Aegean Region in areas of the NATURA 2000 networkEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)BiodiversityWetlandsResearch and monitoringAwareness and educationSouth Aegean Region Managing Authority O.P. South Aegean RegionThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY3/12/201812/31/2022https://ekby.gr/en/our-actions/conservation-management/actions-protect-and-highlight-freshwater-habitats-natura-2000-sites-south-aegean-islands/
234Monitoring marine water quality of Thessaloniki inner gulf 2018-2019Greek State resourcesWaterResearch and monitoringMunicipality of ThessalonikiThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY7/26/20187/25/2019
235Preparation of national reports on the implementation of Directives 92/43/EEC and 2009/147/EU (conservation measures and assessment of the effects of the measures on the conservation status of habitat types and species of Community interest and of populations and trends of avian species)Greek State resourcesBiodiversityResearch and monitoringMinistry of Environment and Energy The Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY1/22/20191/31/2020
236Environmental education and awareness action in the Region of Central GreeceGreek State resourcesEnvironmentAwareness and educationRegion of Central GreeceThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY1/29/20197/31/2019
237Surveillance Monitoring Programme for the Ohrid Lake WatershedOther funding sources from abroadWaterResearch and monitoringGlobal Water Partnership – Mediterranean (GWP – Med)The Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY12/19/201810/31/2019
238Technical and scientific coordination of the preparation of Special Environmental Studies, draft Presidential Decrees and management plans for the areas of the Natura 2000 networkEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)BiodiversityConservation and managementENVECO SAThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY01/04/201931/12/2025https://ekby.gr/en/our-actions/conservation-management/regulations-and-management-plans-natura-2000-sites/
239Support to the Department of Natural Environment and Biodiversity Management of the Ministry of Environment for the preparation and effective implementation of actions in the Operational Programme for the EnvironmentEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)BiodiversityConservation and managementMinistry of Environment and EnergyThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY3/29/20195/22/2020
240Provision of Services for the Update of the Priority Action Framework (PAF) of Cyprus, in accordance with the provisions of Article 8 of the Habitats Directive 92/43/EECOther funding sources from abroadBiodiversityConservation and managementRepublic of Cyprus, Department of Environment, Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and EnvironmentPartnership:ATLANTIS, The Goulandris Natural History Museum – EKBY & OIKOM12/31/20185/31/2019
241Organization and creation of an exhibition at the Information Center of the Northern Pindos National Park in Kledonia European structural and investment funds (ESIF)EnvironmentTourism and nature interpretationManagement Body of Northern Pindos National Park Partnership: The Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY& N. Soulakis6/24/20196/23/2020
242Design of visitor information and environmental interpretation signs in the Olympus National ParkEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)EnvironmentTourism and nature interpretationPIERIKI DEVELOPMENT S.A. The Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY7/19/20198/31/2019
243Creation of an Information Center for the Rodopi Mountain Range National Park in DramaEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)EnvironmentTourism and nature interpretationManagement Body of Rhodope Mountain Range Partnership: The Goulandris Natural History Museum – EKBY & Olympia Hatzopoulou9/4/201910/25/2020
244Carrying capacity and guidelines for the information and management of visitors to the Acheron Straits protected areaEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)EnvironmentBiodiversityTourism and nature interpretationManagement Body of Kalama – Acheronta – Corfu Protected Area The Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY1/31/202010/31/2020
245Monitoring marine water quality of Thessaloniki inner gulf 2019-2020Greek State resourcesWaterResearch and monitoringMunicipality of ThessalonikiThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY12/27/201912/31/2020
246Presentation and promotion of protected areas of GreeceGreek State resourcesEnvironmentBiodiversityAwareness and educationTourism and nature interpretationMinistry of Environment and Energy – GREEN FUNDThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY5/1/20209/30/2021https://visitgreeknature.gr/
247Specifications for monitoring biodiversity data during the operation of projects requiring environmental authorization in areas of the Natura 2000 NetworkGreek State resourcesBiodiversityResearch and monitoringMinistry of Environment and Energy – GREEN FUNDThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY4/2/20205/31/2021
248Implementation of the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) monitoring plan in the wider area of the Hydroelectric Stations of the Nestos Complex Private fundingBiodiversityResearch and monitoringPUBLIC POWER CORPORATION SAThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY8/3/20208/2/2022
249Creation of educational material for the Rhodopi National ParkEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)EnvironmentForestsAwareness and educationManagement Body of Rhodope Mountain Range The Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY9/11/20207/11/2021
250Documentation of a proposal to determine the ecological water level of Pamvotida LakeEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)WaterBiodiversityResearch and monitoringManagement Body of Pamvotida Lake The Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY12/21/20202/20/2023
251Carrying capacity and visitor management plan, to prevent negative anthropogenic impacts on its sensitive species and habitats of OlympusEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)EnvironmentBiodiversityTourism and nature interpretationManagement Body of Olympus National Forest The Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY12/23/202010/31/2023
252Monitoring marine water quality of Thessaloniki inner gulf 2021-2022Greek State resourcesWaterResearch and monitoringMunicipality of ThessalonikiThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY3/1/20212/28/2022
253Identification and mapping of the habitat types in the extension area of the Special Area of Conservation (SAC) GR1220002European structural and investment funds (ESIF)BiodiversityResearch and monitoringManagement Body of Thermaikos Gulf Protected Areas The Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY29/03/202128/06/2023
254Planning of recreational activities and guidelines for visitor management at Lake Pamvotida based on carrying capacityEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)EnvironmentBiodiversityTourism and nature interpretationManagement Body of Pamvotida Lake The Goulandris Natural History Museum & OIKOM LTD5/10/202111/9/2022
255Scientific documentation of connectivity of NATURA areas with natural and semi-natural ecosystems of the area of responsibility of the Management Agency of Parnonas, Moustos, Mainalos and MonemvasiaEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)BiodiversityWetlandsResearch and monitoringManagement body of Parnon, Moustos , Mainalos and MonemvasiaThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY6/15/202112/14/2022
256hELlenic BIOodiversity Information System: an innovative tool for biodiversity conservation – EL-BIOS LIFE20 GIE/GR/001317EU LIFE ProgrammeBiodiversityResearch and monitoringAwareness and educationEuropean CommissionGreen Fund, The Goulandris Natural History Museum as partner10/4/20213/31/2025https://biodiversity-greece.grhttps://ekby.gr/en/our-actions/research-monitoring/life-el-bios/
257Upgrading and enriching the exhibition content of the Messolonghi-Aitoliko Lagoon National Park Information CenterEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)EnvironmentBiodiversityTourism and nature interpretationManagement Body of the Lagoon of Messolonghi – Akarnanikos MountainsPartnership: The Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY& N. Soulakis12/1/20213/31/2023
258Upgrading of exhibition material of the Forest Information Center of Strofilia – Kotychi LagoonEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)EnvironmentBiodiversityTourism and nature interpretationManagement Body of Wetlands of Kotychi-Strofilia & Kyparissiakos GulfPartnership: The Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY& N. Soulakis1/14/20221/13/2023
259Creation of environmental educational material for all areas of responsibility of the Kotychi-Strofylia & Kyparissia Gulf Wetlands Management AgencyEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)EnvironmentBiodiversityAwareness and educationManagement Body of Wetlands of Kotychi-Strofilia & Kyparissiakos GulfThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY2/1/202211/30/2022
260Carrying capacity and guidelines for environmental interpretation and vivitor management in Parnassos National ParkEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)EnvironmentBiodiversityTourism and nature interpretationManagement of Parnassos National Forest OIKOM Ltd. & The Goulandris Natural History Museum2/24/20228/23/2023
261Monitoring marine water quality of Thessaloniki inner gulf 2022-2023Greek State resourcesWaterResearch and monitoringMunicipality of ThessalonikiThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY3/21/20223/20/2023
262Mapping and evaluation of the current state of the nature protection area “Psachnon Wetland (Kolobrechtis i Livadi)” – Priorities for protection, management, restoration and promotionGreek State resourcesWetlandsBiodiversityResearch and monitoringConservation and managementRegion of Central GreeceThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY5/16/20221/15/2023
263Documenting the natural heritage of the Tatoi EstateGreek State resourcesBiodiversityResearch and monitoringMinistry of Culture and SportsThe Goulandris Natural History Museum11/24/202111/23/2023
264Scientific and technical coordination of surveillance of the conservation status of the natural habitats and species in accordance with Nature Directives in Greece and synthesis of the resultsEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)BiodiversityResearch and monitoringMinistry of Environment and EnergyENVECO S.A. & The Goulandris Natural History Museum5/31/20224/23/2025
265Improvement of the conservation status of forest habitats in the Mediterranean Biogeographical Region applying restoration and conservation techniques and close to nature management (LIFE GOPROFOR MED)EU LIFE ProgrammeForestsResearch and monitoringConservation and managementEuropean CommissionSOCIETA COOPERATIVA AGRICOLO FORESTALE – DREAM ITALIA, The Goulandris Natural History Museum as a partner8/2/20228/2/2027https://www.lifegoproformed.eu/https://ekby.gr/en/our-actions/research-monitoring/life-goproformed/
266Upgrade/enrichment of the Kerkini Lake National Park Information CenterEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)EnvironmentBiodiversityTourism and nature interpretationNatural Environment and Climate Change Agency (O.FY.PE.K.A.)Partnership: The Goulandris Natural History Museum – EKBY & Olympia Hatzopoulou9/14/20226/14/2024
267Bathymetric survey of the Gratini reservoir of the Steam Power Plant of KomotiniPrivate fundingWaterResearch and monitoringPUBLIC POWER CORPORATION SAThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY8/1/20232/29/2024
268Monitoring marine water quality of the Thessaloniki inner gulf 2023-2024Greek State resourcesWaterResearch and monitoringMunicipality of ThessalonikiThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY7/4/20237/3/2024
269Scientific and technical coordination of surveillance of the conservation status of natural habitats and species in accordance with Directive 92/43/EEC in Cyprus and drafting of the six-year report of Article 17 of the Directive for period 2019-2024Other funding sources from abroadBiodiversityResearch and monitoringRepublic of Cyprus, Environment Agency, Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and EnvironmentPartnership: ENVECO, The Goulandris Natural History Museum – EKBY & IACO1/15/20244/30/2026
270Roadmap for the alignment of EMERALD network establishment and management to NATURA 2000 sTAndards in Moldova (LIFE RENATA)EU LIFE ProgrammeBiodiversityProtected areasConservation and managementResearch and monitoringEuropean CommissionLEVER SYMVOULI ANAPTIXHS ANONIMH ETERIA (LEVER), The Goulandris Natural History Museum as a partner2/1/20241/31/2026https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/life/publicWebsite/project/LIFE23-PRE-EL-LIFE-RENATA-101148675/roadmap-for-the-alignment-of-emerald-network-establishment-and-management-to-natura-2000-standards-in-moldova
271Museological and Museographic Study for the creation of a museum of biological oceanography in Limni EviasGreek State resourcesEnvironmentTourism and nature interpretationMunicipality of Mantoudi-Limni-Agia AnnaThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY2/19/20246/18/2024
272Identification, inventory and assessment of small island wetlandsEuropean structural and investment funds (ESIF)WetlandsProtected areasResearch and monitoringConservation and managementNatural Environment and Climate Change Agency (O.FY.PE.K.A.)Partnership: The Goulandris Natural History Museum – EKBY & the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki2/20/202410/19/2025
273Operation of the national water monitoring network for lakes in Greece (Directive 2000/60/EC)European structural and investment funds (ESIF)WaterResearch and monitoringMinistry of Environment, Energy and Climate ChangeThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY01/01/202431/12/2029https://wfd.ekby.gr/
274Wetlands-based solutions for climate change adaptation, risk prevention and mitigation (Wetland4Changе)European structural and investment funds (ESIF)WetlandsWaterResearch and monitoringConservation and managementManaging Authority Programme – Interreg Euro-MEDSofia University of Forestry, Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture01/01/202430/09/2026https://wetland4change.interreg-euro-med.eu/https://ekby.gr/en/our-actions/research-monitoring/wetland4change//
275Biodiversity: everything is connectedPrivate fundingBiodiversityAwareness and educationStavros Niarchos FoundationThe Goulandris Natural History Museum02/08/202401/12/2026
276Public-private governance of rivers and wetlands restoration and conservation as blue-green infrastructure (INTERREG RIWET)European structural and investment funds (ESIF)WetlandsEnvironmentConservation and managementAwareness and educationManaging Authority Programme – Interreg EuropeProvince of Drenthe01/04/202430/06/2028https://ekby.gr/en/our-actions/conservation-management/interreg-europe-riwet/https://www.interregeurope.eu/riwet
277Design of visitor and environmental interpretation signs for the Municipality of Mantoudi Limni Agia Anna sites of historical, cultural and environmental interestGreek State resourcesEnvironmentTourism and nature interpretationMunicipality of Mantoudi-Limni-Agia AnnaThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY17/09/202416/12/2024
278Monitoring marine water quality of the Thessaloniki inner gulf 2024-2025Greek State resourcesWaterResearch and monitoringMunicipality of ThessalonikiThe Goulandris Natural History Museum -EKBY24/09/202423/09/2025

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