EKBY’s premises, with an area of 1200 sq.m, are located inside the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Farm and include offices, a library, a lecture and events hall with a capacity of 60 persons, laboratories and support facilities. There is a parking area nearby.
EKBY owns office, field and laboratory equipment.
Office equipment includes an internal computer network and peripherals, laptops, backup devices, a digital call center and a large network storage with anti-malware systems.

EKBY uses Geographic Information Systems software (ArcGIS Desktop & Enterprise), Hydrological simulation software (MIKE Powered by DHI) and specialized data recording and processing software (Canoco, Primer7, PS-Imago SPSS, etc.).
Field equipment includes an off-road vehicle, high-precision global positioning system instruments (RTK-GPS) and accompanying software, rovers, Unmanned Aircraft Systems (Drones) with specialized remote sensing equipment, and sonar instruments with accompanying software.
EKBY has specialised equipment for water sampling and field water quality testing, including integrating water samplers IWS, Ruttner water samplers, benthic macronivertebrate samplers acc. Ekman Birge and standard hand nets, double rakes and bythoscopes for aquatic macrophytes, Secchi Depth disks, plankton nets, portable multi-parameter systems etc.
It owns analytical instruments and other laboratory equipment for biological and physicochemical analysis of water quality. Indicatively, these include inverted microscopes equipped with digital cameras, stereoscopes with cameras, microscope, ion analyzer, spectrophotometers UV and UV/VIS, weighting devices, automatic titrator, centrifuges, respirometric BOD measuring systems, autoclaves, production systems for chemically ultrapure water, pipettes, digital thermometers, pH and conductivity meters, glass washer, thermal reactor, electric oven, fume hoods, pumps etc.
More Information on the water quality laboratory can be found here.