Wetland4Change –Wetland-based solutions for climate change adaptation, risk prevention and mitigation
Project Summary
The INTERREG Euro-MED Wetland4Change project “Wetland-based solutions for adaptation, risk prevention, and climate change mitigation” aims to assess and verify, in five Mediterranean countries, the capacity of wetland ecosystems to sequester carbon and regulate and mitigate flooding events. As an expected outcome of the project, we anticipate to improve current knowledge and management capacity of the associated partners, for the promotion and implementation of actions towards the protection, conservation and restoration of wetlands as nature-based solutions. Consequently, a dynamic user-oriented Transfer Plan will be proposed in collaboration with our associated partners, for the adoption of measures for wetlands at local, regional and national level, and more broadly for the European Mediterranean region, to leverage the significant services they provide in combating climate change.

Partnership Structure
Coordinator: Department of Ecology and Landscape Architecture, University of Forestry (Bulgaria)
- Department of Ecology and Landscape Architecture, University of Forestry (Bulgaria)
- The Goulandris Natural History Museum – Greek Biotope/Wetland Centre (GNHM-EKBY) (Greece)
- Cavanilles Institute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology, University of Valencia (Spain)
- Mediterranean Sea and Coast Foundation / MEDSEA (Italy)
- Tour du Valat Research Institute (France)
- European Topic Centre for Spatial Analysis and Synthesis, University of Malaga (ETC-UMA) (Spain)
Associated partners:
Special Managing Authority of the Strategic Plan of the Common Agricultural Policy 2023-2027 (Greece), Ministry for the Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge (Spain), Regional Environmental Authority of Valencia (Spain), Regional Unit of Serres, Central Macedonia (Greece), Municipality of Gotse Delchev (Bulgaria), Municipality of Irakleia, Serres (Greece), Mediterranean Wetlands Initiative of the Ramsar Convention – MedWet
Project duration: 2024 – 2026
Funding: Wetland4Change project is funded by the INTERREG EuroMed Transnational Cooperation Program
The Role of EKBY
EKBY will contribute as a thematic coordinator, harmonizing the technical work of the case studies on the two solutions for adaptation, risk prevention, and climate change mitigation (carbon storage and flood impact mitigation) in five Mediterranean wetlands (Bulgaria, France, Greece, Spain, Italy).
EKBY will be the coordinating partner for developing a dynamic, user-oriented Transfer Plan to integrate wetland-based solutions into actions for climate change adaptation and mitigation at the Euro-Mediterranean level, evaluating technical issues, stakeholder needs, and challenges and synergies in policy and governance. This plan will be based on the results of the carbon sequestration assessment and flood impact mitigation from the five case studies.
Finally, EKBY will implement the pilot case in Greece, focusing on Lake Kerkini and over 80 smaller wetlands in the Strymonas basin. The two wetland-based solutions, carbon sequestration and flood impact mitigation, will be mapped and evaluated and their application at three policy levels will be explored in close collaboration with the associated partners (Special Managing Authority of the Strategic Plan of the Common Agricultural Policy 2023-2027 of Greece, Regional Unit of Serres, and Municipality of Irakleia). Through meetings with the associated partners and technical trainings with project partners, EKBY will propose solutions and best practices for the conservation and restoration of wetlands, which can be adopted by the corresponding authorities at all three policy levels to improve climate change adaptation and mitigation. Additionally, EKBY, in collaboration with the Department of Ecology and Landscape Architecture of the University of Forestry in Bulgaria, will attempt to evaluate the two wetland-based solutions in the cross-border Strymonas basin.
Featured outputs
- Mapping and evaluation of the carbon sequestration service for the wetlands of the study area
- Mapping and evaluation of the flood mitigation service for the wetlands of the study area
- Creation of a Euro-Mediterranean geodatabase for wetlands
- Development of a dynamic, user-oriented transfer plan for the conservation and restoration of wetlands based on their two services