The “Atlas of the Hellenic Flora”, the most important work on the flora of Greece of the 21st century, the [...]
Adaptation to climate change impacts constitutes a key challenge in the Euro-Med territory, an area with high vulnerability in drought [...]
EKBY participates in the implementation of the project INTERREG Greece-Bulgaria BIO2CARE, which aims at reinforcing the administrative capacities and effectiveness [...]
EKBY participates in the implementation of the project INTERREG Greece-Bulgaria BIO2CARE, which aims at reinforcing the administrative capacities and effectiveness [...]
On Thursday, July 9, 2020, the Laboratory of Environmental Management and Industrial Ecology – LEMIE of DUTH, as the Lead [...]
The Greek Biotope Wetland Centre (EKBY), in the context of the INTERREG Balkan Med project “Improving the conservation effectiveness of [...]